The United States Supreme Court
(shrinking in stature every day, it seems)

Decent Supreme Court Justices not pictured.

You really don't know how easy you've got it.

Ever since 1971, I have followed the Supreme Court, thinking, absurdly, that they were a bulwark against the loss of our rights and our democracy. Well, silly me. But ...

NOW, instead of tramping to the New Mexico State Law Library to find the Supreme Court decisions, I can get ANY one of them off the Internet, usually within a few hours OF that decision. The Supreme Court does some of the best WRITING in government, quite apart from having some impact on your life. After all, law IS writing.

I think once you start reading decisions and dissents, you'll be hooked. If nothing else, read it in self defense.


To see what I mean, go here:    

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Last updated 13 April 2001