A little biographical data on Hart Williams ...

Age:  48; Born December 11, 1955.  Shares birthday (but not year) with John Kerry.

Residence: College Hill, Eugene

Occupation: Author, Journalist, Critic, Licensed Tax Preparer

Education: National Merit Scholar: attended Texas Christian University, three years.  Dropped out to pursue career as writer in  1976. Writer since 1976. 

Public Service

  • President, Eugene Astronomical Society

  • Treasurer, Friends of Pine Mountain 
        (Observatory, U of O), 

  • Board of Directors, Friends of Pine Mountain; 

  • State Publicity Chair, Democratic Party of Oregon; 

  • Executive Committee Democratic Party of Oregon

  • Delegate to 2000 Democratic Convention;

  • Fundraising Chair, Democratic Party of Lane County, 

  • Publicity Chair, DPLC, 

  • Democratic Precinct Committeeman (elected) since 1996, 

  • Lane County Delegate, DPO

  • Lane County Delegate, Fourth Congressional District Cojmittee

  • Fouth Congressional District Delegate, DPO Public Relations Committee

  • City Club of Eugene, 

  • Oregon Association of Tax Consultants, 

  • National Writers Union -- a founding member, Oregon Local, AFL-CIO; 

  • Lane County Labor Council, 

  • Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society since 1983 (LASFS)

  • Boy Scouts of America;

  • Boy’s State, New Mexico 
       (American Legion).

  • State Webmaster, DPO, 

  • Webmaster, DPLC, 1996-2001; 

  • Webmaster, Eugene Astronomical Society

  • Webmaster, Oregon Society of Enrolled Agents (OrSEA)

  • Telescope Operator, Pine Mountain Observatory: 32", 24", 16" telescopes

  • Messier Award, Astronomy League

  • Gold Medal, 1996 World Internet Exposition

  • other stuff that we'll remember later ...

Spouse/name: Jayne T. Williams, MA, EA, LTC

Number of children and ages: 2 – 21, 17

IN 2003, Jayne and Hart introduced a bill in the  Oregon Legislature to extend the authority of Enrolled Agents to represent taxpayers in all Oregon tax matters. This was beneficial to the Agents, to the Oregon Department of Revenue, but MOST of ALL, to Oregon taxpayers.

The Williams are, thus far, one for one legislatively, bringing a perfect record to the table.

Hart Williams (right) wondering what Jerry Springer wants at the 2000 DNC Convention in Los Angeles.

Mr. Williams grew up as the son of a Forest Service Engineer and an RN. Because of his father's work, the family lived at various times in Wyoming, Kansas and New Mexico. In 1973, Hart graduated with various honors from Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and attended Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas on a full National Merit Scholarship. He pursued majors in physics and philosophy and was an active member of the TCU Debate Team, traveling all over the Southwest.

He moved to Hollywood, California in the spring of 1976, where he succeeded in confounding the well-intentioned advice of every professor and relative he knew and successfully became a writer. In that time, he wrote for newspapers, magazines, films, videos, wrote novels, screenplays, reviews, short stories, interviews, etc. etc. etc. and put food on the table with his typewriter for the next 14 years. 

Some credits include: The Washington Post, The Eugene Register-Guard, The Kansas City Star, The Los Angeles Times, The Orange County Register, The LA Free Press, The Santa Fe Sun, The Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, NEW WEST Magazine, LOS ANGELES Magazine and the Portland Oregonian.

In 1989, he left Southern California permanently, moving back to Santa Fe. Williams moved  to Oregon in 1993, taking the original Oregon Trail from Independence, Missouri in a 1973 Ford Econoline van, which he still owns and still runs.

He has been active in local affairs since arriving, and his web site,   


was instrumental in the ouster of Right Wing hatemeister Michael Savage from the Eugene airwaves (credit must be given to Gerry Rempel, and to the protesters at  the U of O, who provided the "straw that broke the camel's back," at least according to KUGN management). 

Mr. Williams tends to succeed at what he sets his mind to do.

When he arrived in Eugene, in 1993, he founded the REGISTER-GUARD's Sunday Book page, which continues to this day.

The campaign day by day ...


Meantime ....

click on the flame for a little
political soap-boxing!


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(541) 465-8961

Authorized by Mystery Rangers for Hart Williams
a real honest-to-gosh Oregon Political Committee




last updated 01 April, 2004